Gravitational Force Formula- All you need to know

There are several forces, numerous pushes and tugs in the cosmos. Furthermore, we are always dragging or shoving something, even if it is just on the earth. However, in science, there are 4 main forces from which all other forces are built. Furthermore, these elements are the weak force, the strong force, the force of gravity, and electromagnetic force. In this article, we are going to say all about the gravitational force formula. And, we will also  discuss its origin as well as its uses.

Also, the force of gravity pulls any pair with the same mass. And , this gravitational force pulls since it always attempts to bring masses together rather than pushing them apart. Of course , every item, including you, tugs almost every item in the cosmos, which one can call Newton’s Universal Law of Gravity.

So, this is where the gravitational force formula comes into play.

Gravitation Formula

People were aware of gravitation once Newton studied it. Furthermore, everyone now understands what gravity is. But did you notice that you’re also tugging on anything in the cosmos today? So, go on to understand more about the gravitational force, gravitational force formula, and equation derivation.

Gravitational force formula

Newton’s law of gravity is yet another name for the gravitational force formula. It also shows the strength of the force acting across two objects. The gravitational force formula also adds the constant of gravity, whose value is G = 6.67*10^(-11) N. (m)^2 / (kg)^2.

F = G*M1*M2 / (r)^2

f*g denotes the gravitational force across two objects (N= kg*m / (s)^2).

G denotes the gravitational constant [G = 6.67*10^(-11) N. (m)^2 / (kg)^2].

m1 = the weight of the first element in kilogrammes; m2 = the mass of the 2nd element in kilogrammes as well.

r = alludes to the entity’s range in meters.

Gravitational Force Formula Earth

The weight of an object is the gravitational pull between itself and the Earth. The mass of an entity is said to be a metric of its inertia, and its load is the force applied on the body in a gravity field. The gravitational acceleration links the two forces on the Earth’s surface: Fg = mg. Kilo is a mass unit, while Newton and pound are weight units.

Newton’s theory of gravitation can be used to compute the acceleration due to gravity, g, just on the Earth’s surface. You can do that by learning the gravitational constant G, the size of the Earth, and the weight of the Earth. The force acting on an entity of mass m1 at the Earth’s crust is:

F= M1*g.

The mass is alluded to as a body’s gravitational mass. The inertial matter and gravity mass is the same, as per the idea of equality. This will be used to predict acceleration due to gravity, as seen below.

Imagine an item [test mass (m)] is shot from a height ‘h’ above the earth’s crust [source weight (M)]. Now, it starts moving down at a higher speed as it nears the earth’s crust.

We know that an item’s speed alters only if it is exposed to a force, which in this instance is gravity.

The body starts to speed toward the earth’s core, which is distant, due to the force of gravitational force.

Gravitational Force Examples

Object stability:

The items on the earth’s crust do not float or hover around in the air. This is related to the pull of gravity that occurs between both the items and the planet. The mug on the desk does not stay in the air and remains in the very same spot until an unseen force disturbs it. Similarly, gravity is in charge of keeping other objects stable.

Day-to-day cases:

A range of actions in life include using gravity influence. For example,  Dancing, rolling, skipping, running, and other acts, are wholly reliant on gravity. A child goes down a slope only because of the lack of earth’s gravity. It would be hard to form the very same gliding motion in outer space, which would be a zero-gravity area.

The falling apple:

When the apples on a tree grow perfectly ripe, they gently fall to the floor. Ironically, it is this act that is key in the finding of gravity. Somehow, this surprised Sir Isaac Newton hugely. Thus, he came up with the notion of gravity after watching an apple drop from a branch. He then studied the issue of whether the moon might tumble if the fruit of the tree fell. The tale of Sir Isaac Newton and the fruit tree is well-known in the research world.

Gravitational force formula

Rolling of objects:

If there are no hurdles in the route, stones as well as other things put on a skewing surface begin to roll down. The spinning of anybody occurs as a result of gravity in action. When we retain the items in the same skewing posture in a void or a gravity-less area, they do not spin.

Gravitational Force Formula Derivation

Let there be a test mass(m) circling around a supplied mass(M) in a stable orbit with radii and steady rotation velocity(ω).

The centripetal pressure applied on the test weight is as follows:


As per the Kepler’s third law,

T^2 ∝ r^3.

Now, we use this equation in the centripetal force relation,

F= (4πmr) / K(r)^3, where K=4(π)^2 / GM.

Thus, F=G M m / r ^ 2.

Gravitational Force Unit

The gravitational unit of force is known as the amount that a  mass of unit weight, 1kg, feels owing to the Planet’s gravity. Using the originally given definition, we can also compute the SI unit of gravity unit force.

 In this cosmos, there are many forces acting such as force applied normally, the force of friction, tensional force, air drag force, spring force, gravity force, and so on. We can use the very same dimension formula, [(M)^1(L)^1(T)^(-2)], to define every component in the cosmos.

1N of force is stated by the SI unit system as the exact unit of force taken to achieve a weight of 1kg with just an acceleration of 1m/(s)^2.

On the other hand, we can also define the gravity force as the force that a material of unit mass, that is 1kg, feels due to the Earth’s gravity. We can measure this force in Kgf. Let us get the value of 1 Kgf in N. We can infer from the concept that we must assess the force on a single mass object on the Earth’s surface.

Gravitational Force Formula Between Two Objects

Gravitational force is always tempting, and you can solely determine its power by the weights involved and the space between them. With a pull along a line joining them, every item in the cosmos pulls almost every item.

Gravitational force formula

Newton’s law of gravity has the following equation:

F = G*M1*M2 / (r)^2.

Gravitational Force Formula Class 9

In the context of the gravitational force formula, it is important to know Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

First Law: Every planet circles around the Sun in an ellipse orbit style, with the Sun at any of the ellipse’s foci.

2nd Law: In the planet’s eccentric orbit, the bridge joining the planet’s core to the Sun’s center washes out equal regions in regular periods.

Third Law: The square of a planet’s time frame of spin all around the Sun varies directly to the cube of the semi-major axis of its ellipse-style orbit.

With Kepler’s third law of planetary motion and supposing that planets’ trajectories all around the Sun are round, Newton estimated the inverse square rule (i.e., F 1/2).

Gravity is the pull between the Earth and any other body.

How To Use The Gravitational Force Formula

  • Define the gravitational force that tugs an item, F = (Gm1m2)/d2.

This formula reflects the weights of both objects as well as the space between them to find the force of gravity on an item.

  • Use the right metric units. You will have to use metric units for this precise formula. The weights of the items must be in kilos (kg), and the range must be in meters (m). Before going on with the math, you must adapt to these units.
  • Find the weight of the thing under study. You can weigh the smaller things on a gauge or balance to find out their mass in grams. For larger objects, find the probable weight in a list or online. For most science tasks, you will already have the weight of the item.
  • Calculate the space between two items. If you would like to measure the effects of gravity between the Earth and an object, you should first know how far the entity is from the Earth’s core.
  • Complete the formula. Once you’ve set your equation’s parameters, you can input it in and analyze it. Check that all of your measurements are metric and on the proper scale. You should express the mass in kilos, and the length in meters. Use the right order of analysis to solve the equation.

Gravitational Force Calculator

Gravitational Force Calculator is available for free online. You can use it for calculating gravitational force for given items.

The following is how to use the gravitational force calculator:

Firstly, In the input area, enter the weights of two items, spacing, and x for an arbitrary amount.

Secondly, Now, hit the “Calculate x” button to find the force of gravity.

Finally, the result field displays the value for the force of gravity.

One of the sorts of forces in physics is the gravitational force. It is a force that binds any two mass items. Since it always draws the masses of two objects close, people also refer to the gravity force as the attractive force. According to Newton’s law of gravity, everything in the world is drawn by other objects. The electromagnetic force, strong force, weak force, etc are a range of possible forms of forces. We can calculate the force of gravity using the formula:

Gravitational Force = (Gravitational Constant / Mass of the initial object) / (spacing between the center of two items).

The link for this calculator is:

Gravitational force calculator

What Is The Gravitational Attraction Formula

The size of the attraction force F in signs is equal to G (the gravitational constant). And, it is a value whose size depends on the system of units that one uses. And, G is a universal constant. Further, one has to multiply it by the product of the weights (m1 and m2). Then, we have to divide by the square of the space.

The size of the attraction force F in signs is equal to G (the gravitational constant). And, it is a value whose size depends on the system of units that one uses. And, G is a universal constant. Further, one has to multiply it by the product of the weights (m1 and m2). Then, we have to divide by the square of the space between the bodies:

F = G*m1*m2 / r^2.

Work Done By Gravitational Force Formula

One can use gravitational force to calculate the stuff done on a falling item. We can use a minimal approach and begin by claiming that air drag is almost nil. Indeed, air drag is low for so many intents, so our estimates here will be fair.

If a thing falls a set distance, the force of gravity acting on it will do work on it. As a result of this labor, the kinetic energy of the item will grow as it drops. The energy released is simple to find. Thus,  we merely ought to find the force of a book dropping from a desk onto the ground.

Gravitational Constant Formula

Gravity is a worldwide phenomenon that prevails all through the cosmos. Gravity is a key factor in shaping and keeping the real relationship across space and substance. The force of gravity, along with nuclear and magnetic forces, is one of the physical forces present in the world.

The force of gravity drives the entire universe, both stars, and planets. Gravity, in other terms, is the force that acts on all objects that have weight or power. It refers to the mass of an object on the Earth’s surface. In fact, gravity has an endless reach, and the forces of gravity lessen with an increase in distance between the objects. One can denote it by the letter ‘g.’

The global gravitational constant and the Newtonian constant of gravitation are all terms for the gravitational constant. The symbol ‘G’ marks the gravity constant.

We can derive the gravity constant traditionally using Planck’s length, mass, and time. Scientists have used the electrical force formula in waveform to build this.

We can calculate the universal gravity constant as:

G = 6.673 x 10-11 N m2/kg2.

Three approaches are used to get the gravitational constant:

  • The study of Earth’s pull on a test mass using a lab balance.
  • The contrast of a big natural mass’s tug with that of the Planet
  • In the laboratory, one can find the force across two bodies directly.

Gravitational Force Formula Physics

Gravity is perhaps the least of the four basic forces, 10^38 times less than the binding interactions, 10^36 times less than the electromagnetic force, and 10^29 times worse than the weak force. As a result, it has no effect just at the level of elementary particles. Gravity, on the other hand, is the strong link between things on the macro scale, dictating the motions of worlds, stars, planets, and even of light.

Gravity is liable for so many of the building bodies in the Universe. Because the earth’s gravity between the initial gas matter in the Universe led it to cluster and make stars, which eventually solidified into galaxies. Gravity has an indefinite range. But its effects weaken as items drift away.

The gravitational field’s strength is proportional to the velocity of items under its effect. The rate of expansion of falling things at the Earth’s crust varies only slightly with location, and surface features such as hills and peaks. And, maybe abnormally high surface density. The International Bureau of Weights and Measures specifies gravity value for weight and measures used under the World System of Units (SI).

On Earth, gravity is the sum (vector sum) of two effects:  (a) The gravitational tug given by Newton’s global law of gravity, and (b) the earthbound, circular point of reference also creates a centrifugal force. It is basically due to the circular force that Earth’s rotation creates. And, also because sites on the equator are quite far from the Earth’s center, the pull of gravity is the least at the equator.

Is gravitational a force

The force of gravity is a non-contact force. There is no need to touch an item for the force of gravity to act. Gravity applies to all objects at all times, even when they are not in any form of contact with the ground.

Gravitational force formula FAQs

1.    How do we calculate gravitational force?

Ans: To estimate an entity’s force of gravity, use the gravitational force formula: effects of gravity = mg, where m is the item’s mass and g is the gravitational acceleration. Since g is always 9.8 m/s2, simply raise the item’s mass by 9.8 to get its pull of gravity!

2.    What is the value of g in physics?

Ans: G = 6.674*10^(-11)m^3kg^(-1)s^(-2) is the universal gravitational constant. M is the big body’s weight in kilogrammes. R is the distance of the huge body, measured in meters. g is the gravitational acceleration given in meters per second squared.

3.    What is gravitational force class 11th?

Ans: The pull of gravity attracts two mass m1 and m2 kept apart by a radius r. The gravity force between two points/objects varies directly with the product of their weights and varies inversely with the square of their spacing.

4.    What is m * g in physics?

Ans: Of course, we can find the mass of an object as the weight times the acceleration due to gravity,

w = mg.

5.    What is a gravitational force vector?

Ans: The gravitational field is a unit vector that depicts the force of gravity that the per unit weight exerts on an entity at any given point in space. At that time, it is actually similar to the acceleration due to gravity.

6.    How gravitational force is scalar or vector?

Ans: Scalar theory links to Newtonian gravity. The velocity that an object attains as a response to gravitational pull is referred to by its acceleration owing to gravity.  And, we measure it in m/s^2. Gravitational acceleration is a vector, which implies it also has a value as well as a direction.