Plural possessive: Meaning, Examples

Plural Possessive nouns are used to indicate ownership or to describe a feature or characteristic of something. So, a possessive noun may be used if a sentence may be altered to convey that a noun belongs to someone or something. Also, remember that the possessive is usually used in front of the object it owns. Then, Possessive nouns are formed by adding an’s to the word. Also, when a noun represents only one of anything, it is singular. So, even if a single word ends in -s (for example, molasses), an’s is still appended.

Plural possessive

Moreover, most plural nouns become possessive by simply adding an apostrophe to the word. Then, in other words, if the noun’s plural form ends in -s, the plural possessive form will simply employ an apostrophe. Also, irregular plural nouns (such as geese) change form rather than adding a -s to become possessive. Then, when we make them possessive, we consider them as singular nouns. Moreover, in this article, we are talking about this topic. So, keep reading to know more about it.

What does plural possessive mean in noun

Moreover, possessive nouns are nouns that express ownership or relationship in the English language. Also, a noun is a term that refers to someone, somewhere, or something. Then, singular nouns relate to a single item, whereas plural nouns refer to several items. Also, a proper noun refers to a distinct person or location, such as the American president or New York. Then, with the addition of an apostrophe and a suffix—the letter “s”—at the end of the word, all nouns become possessive nouns. Then, when a plural noun ends in the letter “s,” the possessive form of the word is just an apostrophe at the end.

Also, possessive nouns can be difficult for new learners, such as those learning English as a second language (ESL). Because they act similarly to adjectives in that they alter another noun or pronoun in the phrase. However, a few simple principles on how to use an apostrophe and the letter “s” correctly can assist new learners negotiate the difficulties of utilizing possessive nouns.


Also, to comprehend what a plural possessive noun is, first grasp what each component of the phrase means on its own. Then, to begin, plural refers to more than one. Moreover, plurals are typically formed by appending the letter “s” to the end of a singular word, however, certain irregular plurals deviate from this convention. So, take a look at the following tables:

Singular Regular Plural
dog dogs
book books
bottle bottles
Singular Irregular Plural
mouse mice
child children
woman women

Also, a possessive adjective is one that denotes when something is owned or possessed. Moreover, possessives are used by writers to express that something belongs to someone or something (for example, Joey’s ball, my meal, and the dog’s bone). Finally, a noun is a word that refers to persons, places, objects, or ideas. Also, common nouns are less particular than proper nouns and do not begin with a capital letter (such as a lake, tiger, and the teacher). Then, proper nouns are words that identify distinct individuals, places, or objects and always begin with a capital letter (such as Lake Michigan, Tony the Tiger, and Mrs. Smith). Also, possessive nouns include both common and proper nouns.

What does plural possessive mean form

So, the plural form of nouns and pronouns is the non-singular form. So, the plural form of a noun refers to more than one of the same term (whereas the singular form refers to a single noun). Also, there are literally hundreds of plural nouns. Therefore, we can’t provide a complete list, but here are a few instances of English plural nouns.

  • trees
  • lakes
  • movies
  • umbrellas
  • candies
  • girls
  • snacks
  • burgers
  • computers
  • entries

Plural possessive

So, the majority of nouns have both single and plural forms. So, the singular noun refers to a single noun. Also, the plural form of a word denotes more than one of the same type of noun. So, the plural form of most nouns is formed by adding “-s” to the end of the phrase.

  • dog > dogs
  • cat > cats

Also, when a word ends in “-y,” the “-y” is eliminated, and “-yes” is added to the end to make the plural form.

  • story > stories
  • butterfly > butterflies

Plural possessive means noun types

Irregular possessive nouns

Also, an irregular noun is one whose spelling varies in its plural form, such as “man” and “men.” Moreover, an irregular possessive noun uses the same English grammar as a regular plural noun, except that it ends with an apostrophe and the letter “s.” So, if an irregular plural noun ends in a “s,” such as “knives,” simply an apostrophe is required.

Moreover, an irregular possessive noun alters its spelling to indicate ownership. So, “Women’s rights,” “octopus’s tentacles,” and “knives’ blades” are examples of sentences that employ an irregular possessive noun.

Pronouns of Possession

Also, possessive pronouns, often known as absolute or strong possessive pronouns, are pronouns that express possession. Moreover, possessive pronouns include the words “my,” “theirs,” “yours,” and “hers.” Furthermore, numerous independent possessive pronouns, like “mine” and “her,” do not require the letter “s” or an apostrophe.

Then, there are seven possessive pronouns that are absolute or strong: “my,” “ours,” “yours,” “its,” “his,” “hers,” and “their.” Also, “My,” “our,” and “your” are all possessive pronouns that are also weak possessive pronouns.

Plural possessive nouns

So, a plural possessive noun indicates that more than one person, place, or object owns something. Then, with the inclusion of possessive apostrophes and the letter “s,” it becomes a possessive noun, much like standard plural nouns. So, “Our,” “your,” and “they’re” are examples of plural possessive pronouns. Also, plural possessive nouns ending in the letter “s” only employ apostrophes—for example, “loaves'” or “parents'”.

Then, to signify possession, plural possessive nouns add an apostrophe and the suffix “s” to a word. Also, “The Smiths’ house” and “horses’ hooves” are two examples of plural possessive nouns.

Singular possessive nouns

Moreover, a singular possessive noun refers to a single person, place, or object that owns or is related to another element in the phrase. Then, an apostrophe and the letter “s” are required for their possessive form. So, consider the following single possessive noun: “Timmy’s puppy is adorable.”

Then, a singular possessive noun denotes possession of a single person, place, or item. Also, singular possessive nouns include “teacher’s lesson plans” and “classroom’s downloadable worksheets.”

Plural possessive mean apostrophe

Moreover, this is one of the most prevalent punctuation errors. But it is simple to correct if you understand the difference between plural and possessive. Also, I notice numerous costly vehicles, billboards, and store signs with that additional apostrophe tossed in, such as “The greatest plumbers in the business,” or “Our haircuts are excellent!” while driving around. So, these should be plural (more than one plumber, more than one haircut), not possessive; neither of these statements involves ownership. So, how can you keep from getting apostrophe crazy? Keep these basic reminders in mind:

  • Moreover, plural signifies “more than one,” and most nouns require simply a “s” at the end. Then, snakes, for example, become snakes (more than one snake). So, there is no apostrophe in this sentence.
  • Then, possessive implies possession, which necessitates the use of an apostrophe before the “s.” So, consider the snake’s tongue. Also, you are not implying more than one snake here, but rather that the snake possesses the tongue.
  • Then, plural possessive implies more than one, as well as ownership. So, handle the plural first, followed by the possessive. Because the plural of many nouns already ends in “s,” just add an apostrophe after the “s.” Also, snake tongues are one example. So, there are several snakes with tongues in this area.

Plural possessive mean pronouns

My, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your, and yours are examples of possessive pronouns. These are all terms that show ownership. If the book is mine, then it is mine. If the book belongs to her, she owns it. Seeing this aspect of speech in action is a terrific way to grasp it. Here are some simple statements that employ possessive pronouns:

  • The children are both yours and mine.
  • The home belongs to them, and the paint is chipping.
  • The money was truly theirs to take.
  • We’ll finally get what’s properly ours.
  • Their mother and yours get along nicely.
  • My friend, what’s mine is yours.
  • I own a dog.
  • You have the cat.
  • She has the ring.
  • They own the bag.

The simple examples above show how to utilize possessive pronouns in sentences. So, the usage of possessive adjectives with gerunds, on the other hand, can be perplexing. A gerund is a word that began as a verb but may now function as a noun by adding -ing at the end.

Plural possessive


Here are some more examples of possessive pronouns coupled with gerunds.

  • It was a pleasant surprise to see you accept the reward.
  • The kids make their beds without my prompting.
  • We were moved by their singing.
  • I really appreciated his assistance.
  • Her decision to come to us was correct.
  • I appreciate your comprehension of the situation.
  • I’m sorry he missed out on this opportunity.
  • It was wrong for them to ridicule him.
  • I like listening to him sing.

Plural possessive mean noun tips

There are various guidelines for using possessive nouns correctly:

  • Compound possessive: A compound term is made up of two or more words, whereas a compound possessive is made up of two or more words to show ownership. If the compound word establishes a new single entity—for example, “Bill and Jane’s new car”—the apostrophe and letter “s” must be added to the second noun. If the compound word does not refer to a single thing, as in Bill and Jane each have a new automobile, then apostrophes and the letter “s” should be added to both nouns.
  • S sound: There are two schools of thought on how to pronounce a possessive noun that ends with the suffix “s.” Some grammar experts believe that the “s” sound should not be used—for example, speakers should say “car’s horn” and “cars’ horns” in the same way. Others argue that adding phonetic suffixes is proper; for example, speakers should pronounce “James’ pencil” as “Jamez-es pencil.” Both schools of thinking are valid.
  • Inanimate things: There are two schools of thought about whether inanimate things may be possessive nouns, as in “The desk’s leg was unsteady.” It is both permissible and wrong to construct the possessive for inanimate objects, depending on the source. Others argue that it is only inappropriate if there is an existing acceptable idiom (for example, “the family’s head” instead of “the family’s head”).
  • Time: When referring to ownership, it is permissible to state “10 years of experience.” However, saying “10 years of experience” may seem less odd. Both are, once again, appropriate.

Plural possessive nouns ending with S

Simply add an apostrophe at the end of standard plural nouns that finish in “s” to denote possession. These are some examples of plural possessive nouns:

  • Airplanes’ wings
  • Alarms’ ringing
  • Ankles’ bones
  • Appendices’ entries
  • Armchairs’ arms
  • Attorneys’ fees
  • Babies’ rash
  • Bathrooms’ taps
  • Bosses’ orders
  • Boys’ club
  • Bushes’ flowers
  • Calves’ hooves
  • Carpenters’ tools
  • Chairs’ paintwork
  • Children’s hats
  • Clocks’ hands
  • Companies’ plan
  • Countries’ governments
  • Designers’ clothes
  • Dishes’ patterns
  • Dogs’ adventures
  • Girls’ sports
  • Investors’ advice
  • Knives’ blades
  • Loaves’ nutrition
  • Mosquitoes’ stingers
  • Parents’ books
  • Pears’ stories
  • Potatoes’ skin
  • Rabbis’ garb
  • Smiths’ grandchild
  • Theses’ criteria
  • Trucks’ wheels
  • Witnesses’ testimony

Sentence Examples

  • The handles of umbrellas are occasionally sculpted.
  • The hats of witches are frequently pointy.
  • In the past, judges’ wigs were powered.
  • The wings of the fairies were shimmering.
  • If you are not careful, the stones in cherries can damage your teeth.
  • The legs of the tables were all unsteady and needed to be repaired.

Plural possessive nouns that don’t end in S

Add an apostrophe and “s” to irregular plural nouns that do not end in “s.” Here are several examples:

  • Bacteria’s invasion
  • Cacti’s protection
  • Children’s toys
  • Criteria’s timeline
  • Die’s roll
  • Foci’s interest
  • Fungi’s proliferation
  • Gentlemen’s association
  • Lice’s intrusion
  • Media’s influence
  • Men’s worries
  • Mice’s feet
  • Nuclei’s composition
  • People’s beliefs
  • Phenomena’s appearance
  • Oxen’s yokes
  • Stimuli’s effect
  • Syllabi’s needs
  • Teeth’s cavities
  • Women’s issues

Sentence Examples

  • Dolphins got caught in the fishermen’s nets.
  • Postmen’s bags are made of leather.
  • The geese’s eggs were found on the road, smashed.
  • Hippopotami’s mouths are huge.
  • Servicemen’s fees rise after hours and on weekends.
  • Octopus’s arms number eight and have several functions.

Plural Possessive of Man

Irregular Plurals
Singular Possessive Singular Plural Possessive Plural
man man’s men men’s
woman woman’s women women’s
child child’s children children’s
person person’s people people’s
baby baby’s babies babies’
wife wife’s wives wives’
foot foot’s feet feet’s
tomato tomato’s tomatoes tomatoes’

Plural Possessive gender

So, hers and his are unusual in that they are used to define the gender of a person (or animal). Then, while these two are the most prevalent, there are several more possessive pronouns that are not associated with a certain gender.

So, it is critical not to mistakenly misidentify someone by using gendered terminology when it is not required. Fortunately, there is a simple approach to ensure that your speech and writing are inclusive of all gender identities: adopt gender-neutral vocabulary. Also, if you don’t know which possessive pronoun to use or prefer not to use a gendered pronoun at all, the term theirs is perfect.

Then, the pronoun theirs can (and is increasingly being used) as a singular gender-neutral or nonbinary alternative for his and hers. (Other words are used in this manner as well, but theirs is the most popular.) Then, when you don’t want or need to define someone’s gender, use theirs. So, it  can also be used to describe someone who identifies as nonbinary. So, in this instance, it’s always vital to utilize the person’s preferred pronouns (and adjectives).


  • That is her car and this one here is my car.
  • That is her car and this one here is mine.
  • Let’s see if Dave’s arm is longer than your arm.
  • Let’s see if Dave’s arm is longer than yours.

  • Penelope said we can stay at her house, but I don’t know which one is her house.
  • Penelope said we can stay at her house, but I don’t know which one is hers.
  • Emilia’s party was great, but just wait until she comes to our party.
  • Emilia’s party was great, but just wait until she comes to ours.
  • This is my cookie pile, and that one is the one for all of you.
  • This is my cookie pile, and that one is yours.

Some frequently asked questions

What is an example of a plural possessive?

To signify possession, plural possessive nouns add an apostrophe and the suffix “s” to a word. “The Smiths’ house” and “horses’ hooves” are two examples of plural possessive nouns.

Where does the apostrophe go for plural possessive?

  • First, place the apostrophe before the “s” in singular possessive words. So, this denotes ownership by a single person or item.
  • Then, place the apostrophe after the “s” in plural possessive phrases. So, this indicates to the reader that the object held is owned by more than one person or thing.
  • “Its” is a possessive, as in “The truck lost its muffler as it approached the pothole-ridden Kennedy Expressway.” This is an unusual instance of a possessive word without requiring an apostrophe.
  • “It’s” is an abbreviation of “it is,” as in “It’s better not to dispute the judge’s understanding of evidence laws in open court.” Contractions, on the other hand, should be avoided in professional writing.
  • Thus, the correct phrase of the above line would be: “It is advisable not to dispute the judge’s knowledge of evidence laws in open court.”
  • “Its'” is neither a word nor a logical possibility. So, the pronoun “it” is singular. As a result, there is no plural possessive form. As previously stated, the single possessive form of “it” is “its.”
  • A less-commonly encountered option is the usage of apostrophes when numerous owners are named. Only after the second-named person should an apostrophe be placed before a “s” when two or more persons jointly possess one object.

What is a plural possessive apostrophe example?

Simply add an apostrophe at the end of standard plural nouns that finish in “s” to denote possession. Airplane wings are an example of this sort of plural possessive noun.

  • Airplanes’ wings
  • Alarms’ ringing
  • Ankles’ bones

What are the 7 possessive nouns?

Mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs are the independent possessive pronouns. My, our, your, his, her, it, and their are possessive adjectives, also known as possessive determiners.

What are plural noun examples?

  • The plural word for child is children.
  • The plural noun for fox is foxes.
  • Loaves are the plural form of the word loaf.
  • Ships are a plural noun.
  • The plural noun for school is schools.
  • The plural word for door is doors.
  • Sisters-in-law is a plural word for sister-in-law.
  • Babies is the plural version of baby.

How do you use multiple possessives?

The normal convention is to refer to the two partners as a single entity—a couple—and use an apostrophe only after the final name: “John and Jane’s villa,” “Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.” When you add more owners, you simply need one apostrophe: “Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice’s party.”

Is it the apostrophe S or S apostrophe?

To express ownership with an apostrophe, just add apostrophe s or s apostrophe to a word, depending on whether it’s singular or plural. Singular Possessive Apostrophe: Add an apostrophe s to signify singular ownership: EXAMPLES: The fresh tyres for the automobile were close to John’s desk.

How do you make a last name plural possessive?

When employing an apostrophe to signify possession, add’s for individuals (“Smith’s car”) and merely the apostrophe after the s for plurals (“the Smiths’ car”). If a family name ends in a s or z, you can use either the apostrophe (“the Williams’ dog”) or the apostrophe’s (“the Williams’s dog”).

What are the 3 Uses of apostrophe?

The apostrophe is used in three ways:

  • to produce possessive nouns,
  • to indicate letter omission, and
  • to denote plurals of letters, numerals, and symbols.

Apostrophes should not be used to make possessive pronouns (e.g., his / her computer) or noun plurals that are not possessives.

How do you fix plural possessive errors?

To make a single noun possessive, add an apostrophe and -s (‘s). Simply add an apostrophe (‘) to a plural noun that ends in -s to make it a possessive noun. When a plural noun does not finish in -s, make it a possessive noun by adding an apostrophe and -s (‘s).

What is a plural pronoun?

Plural pronouns are simply pronouns that relate to many nouns in the plural. Also, plural pronouns, like singular pronouns, can be personal, definite, or indefinite, and relate to plural nouns or groups of nouns.